Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'm back!

Here are some new Sydney pictures that you may enjoy:

These were taken outside the casino, Star City.

I don't know why the sky is pink in that last picture.

I was at the casino recently. It's near where I work (across the street actually). On Melbourne Cup Day (which most people in Australia have off from work, but it's not a state holiday in two states, including New South Wales where I live & work, so I was at work), my coworkers and I walked over to the casino to watch the race. It was very crowded. It was an exciting atmosphere, with people cheering and yelling and gasping with excitement. There were several large screens broadcasting the race, and when Makybe Diva won the race for the third year in a row, there were cheers and toasts. My boss bought us all a drink. It was a good afternoon.