Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tasmania, Part I

Salamanca Market, a famous Saturday market in Hobart. I bought two stuffed animals: a dingo and a Tasmanian Devil. As you can see, it was quite overcast. It sprinkled a few times. It was very, very cold. We were wearing 4 layers on top and still were cold. The wind made it feel much cooler.

A view from Battery Point in Hobart.

A park in Battery Point called Princes Park. This was a very attractive park and the playground looks like a lot of fun. If it wasn't so cold, I might have gone down the slide (I was worried the metal would be freezing!)

The symbol of Australia: the kangaroo & emu and the state seal. This was outside a courthouse.

(John, and) A display of wombats inside a museum by the waterfront (the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery). Isn't it amazing how huge wombats are?!

More photos to come!


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